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How Do Superbonders For Eyelash Extensions Work?

Written on  October 12, 2023
How do Superbonders for eyelash extensions work?

Superbonders for eyelash extensions are a relatively new lash product to the industry. They are a liquid product that can be used with any lash glue to maximise your retention and keep your clients happy when their eyelash extensions last much longer.

They work by adding elasticity to the adhesive bonds, which ensures the bonds don't break as easily, therefore resulting in better retention.

They instantly polymerise the glue, without shock curing as well as locking in the fumes from the adhesive which can cause irritation and sensitivity. However please note, that when working with high grade UK produced adhesives, there should be no nasty fumes which can cause irritation. If your clients are experiencing sensitivity to the products you use, please find out where your products are originally made. Sadly many are made in the Far East where the quality of ingredients can be poor, cheap and unregulated. Please source UK/EU made lash liquids only to ensure you are not exposing yourself or your clients to harmful unregulated products.

To learn more on this subject please visit our other blog HERE

Each Superbonder will contain different ingredients although their purpose is the same: to create flexible bonds, however let us look at my Eyelash Excellence bonder, the ingredients inside the product and how they work.
aqua, alcohol denat, biotin, sodium hydroxide, cucumis sativus

The main ingredients we need to look at here are the alcohol and Sodium hydroxide. Both are present to control the cure and ensure no shock curing takes place. It also helps provides the correct pH levels. The biotin is there to help boost the health of the hair as healthy lashes are happy lashes.

Check out our UK made Superbonder Rapid Cure HERE

Superbonders for eyelash extensions should only ever be applied to the glue zone with a micro brush after the treatment has been finished. Never use them inside a device such as a nano mister which is sprayed over the client. Excessive use onto the skin may cause irritation and it goes against its intended use.

How do Superbonders for eyelash extensions work 2

Frequently asked superbonder questions:

Does Superbonder make the lashes last longer?
Studies show that superbonder can increase retention by up to 1-2 weeks. When we create flexible bonds they are much less likely to fracture and break.

What is the difference between primer and bonder for eyelash extensions?
A primer is a product used at the start of the lash treatment to remove excess oils and debris from the natural lashes which can create a barrier between the adhesive and the natural lash. Where as a superbonder is used at the end of the treatment to seal and elasticise the bonds.

How many minutes do you have to wait before applying a lash bonder to the eyelashes?
We recommend that you wait 3-5minutes after the application of the last extensions before you apply superbonder.

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