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Should I Use A Lash Bed Or A Recliner Chair?

Written on  October 19, 2023
Should I use a lash bed or a recliner chair?

What type of client bed do you work from? Have you been considering switching your work station and wonder what would work best for your space? Not to mention what would be more comfortable for you and your client. Let us look below at the different options that will help you decide whether to use a lash bed or recliner chair.

Massage tables are the natural go to, and what most of us would have been trained on. These are inexpensive, portable, easy to clean... But very uncomfortable for both the artist and client.

Most massage table are time consuming to adjust the height, have a large piece of wood where the artist would naturally put their legs, and are not comfortable to lay flat on as a client. Bolsters, pillows, mattress toppers, etc can be used to make the client more comfortable, but not the lash artist.

Massage Table For Eyelash Extensions

Beauty Bed: easy to adjust height, angle of client’s head, and in some cases, height of bed. Also great if you offer other services, or like to work with the clients head at an angle. Many find that having the clients chin lower than their forehead is more comfortable for them and easier for us to access the eye area. This is especially important if the client is heavier or has fleshy eyes and cheeks. Gravity will naturally allow the extra plump face parts to be sloped away from the eye, rather than towards.

Beauty Bed For Eyelash Extensions

Recliner: best for small spaces, client comfort, and head angle adjustment. Also, clients find the recliner approachable, less vulnerable than the 'lying down' position from a massage table or beauty bed. Recliners have become very popular as of late, and are easy to find on Marketplace or second hand websites if you're looking to try something out before committing to a more expensive model. An excellent option in the recliner category is actually a reclining wheelchair (like you'd see in elder care facilities).It's huge, super strong (+500lb weight limit) and easy to sanitize. They are not the most attractive, but they are moveable, reliable, a good size, and sturdy.

Recliner For Eyelash ExtensionsRecliner For Eyelash Extensions 2

Designer Beds: these gorgeous options have been specifically designed to be beautiful in your lash space, conveying comfort and luxury to your clients. A downside is the price, often setting you back $2000+. Most designer beds don't have adjustable headrests, so many can find these beds to be the least flexible when it comes to Artist comfort.

Designer Beds For Eyelash Extensions

Before making your decision about what bed to invest in, you'll need to see what works for your lashing style and in your space.

Do you lash from a tile or your hand? If you need room for a tile, a flatter surface, or a silicon mat will be needed to hold your supplies. You could also consider having a trolley right next to your client bed for easy access to your necessities.

Do you offer other services besides lash extensions? Lash lifts are generally fine on the same bed style, but if you are offering waxing, foot treatments, etc, you'll need a bed that is more versatile.

Do you have a smaller space? You may find a recliner or adjustable beauty bed is the way to go.

Whatever decision you make, you'll likely need to tailor your choice to be perfect for you. This may mean risers for the feet of your recliner, bolsters for your massage table, or a variety of stools for yourself to sit on. Make sure the bed you choose is 100% wipeable, and if you use blankets or bedding, have enough on hand to make it fresh for every client.

Blog post by Eyelash Excellence Brand Ambassador Adrienne Raczki

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